T-Mobile Premium Protection Now Includes AppleCare

T-Mobile today announced that its Premium Device Protection will now include AppleCare at no additional cost to anyone with an iPhone or iPad. The cost of the service is 12 dollars per month.

Premium Device Protection covers several potential issues that essentially make up what used to be called phone insurance, including loss, theft, accidental damage, and more. With AppleCare enabled, you can also now replace your damaged screen for $ 29 (up to two times anyway), get free battery service (one time), lower prices for other repairs, and access Apple technical documentation. support lines.

If you’re prone to losing your phone, then Premium Device Protection might be worth it, but keep in mind that it includes a deductible of up to $ 175 , so that doesn’t mean you just get a free phone every time you lose. your. At $ 12 a month for a year, that’s at least $ 319 for a new phone if you break or lose it.

Beyond the basics of insurance, AppleCare alone costs $ 129 directly from Apple, so getting a T-Mobile coverage is a big deal at first glance, but that doesn’t mean it’s worth paying for.

AppleCare covers two screen replacements and charges $ 29 apiece for them. That’s basically $ 158 to replace your damaged screen. Without AppleCare, you can expect to pay anywhere from $ 129 to $ 149 for a screen replacement. If you break it a second time and receive AppleCare, you will be charged a total of $ 216 including a year of coverage and replacement cost. If you break the screen a second time and you do not have the AppleCare, you will pay from 258 to 298 dollars, depending on your phone model. Basically, this means you have to break the screen twice in two years for it to be worth it.

AppleCare also covers other types of accidental damage, charging you $ 99 to fix just about any other nondescript problem. I can’t remember many of the issues that fall under this umbrella other than manufacturing defects, which should be covered by a free one year warranty. This is all accompanied by an optional AppleCare phone and online troubleshooting service. Either way, with AppleCare, you get two repairs at a discounted price, whatever they are.

If you are already paying for premium T-Mobile protection devices, then this is a nice little benefit that actually makes the service more useful, but at first glance, it still seems not worth it to me if you are really accident prone with phone.


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