How to Stop Jettisoning so You Don’t Ruin Your Trip

Vacationing in a different time zone often means being a jet lag victim , which can make the first few days of a trip tough. Here are a few tricks I have used over the years of travel to make sure that due to jet lag, I am not getting the most out of my vacation.

If you slow down by two or three days on a long weeklong trip due to jet lag, nearly half of your trip will suffer! My main goal in this situation is to adjust to the new time zone as quickly as possible and minimize the actions that I lose to the temptation to sleep or take long naps. That’s what I’m doing:

  • Make a plan for getting ready in the morning . If you know that it will be difficult for you to wake up, find out in advance how you are going to force yourself to get out of bed. Try scheduling coffee and breakfast to be delivered at specific times using room service or prepaid morning excursions so that sleeping in your room is expensive. Give yourself a boost.
  • Move and go outside . If your destination allows it, do activities in the morning that will keep you moving and in the sunlight. It will help you feel more alert mentally and physically. Take a walking tour of local attractions (I love temple ruins) or go hiking.
  • Take breaks, but try not to sleep . You are going to be tired during the day, so plan to take a break in the middle of the day or at the end of the day. Use this time to recharge your batteries by reading, listening to music, or just watching people. Try to stay awake, or if you do, keep it short with a few alarms to wake you up after 15 or 20 minutes. Your sleep cycle will be even more disrupted if you sleep during the day.
  • Set aside your “must-have” tasks for later on your trip . It’s okay if you struggle to stick to the above and end up spending the first few days asleep at odd times, but to compensate for this risk, you have to plan the activities you really want to do after the first few days so you definitely didn’t do it. I don’t miss them.
  • Make falling asleep easier . Make a daily routine before bed to help you relax at night. You should also avoid drinking caffeine and alcohol during the day and evening so that they don’t interfere with your sleep cycle. I know, I know you are on vacation, you deserve a trendy cocktail with an umbrella! Just be aware that a smoothie can impair your sleep quality, so schedule an easy morning the next day to compensate.

It is difficult to avoid jet lag, but it shouldn’t ruin your vacation if you have a plan to overcome it.


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