Where to Hide If a Nuclear Bomb Explodes in Your Area

This is a tip that I hope you never need, but you should still know it. A nuclear attack is the worst nightmare of all, and the immediate consequences are just as, if not worse, than the explosion itself. Here’s what you should do if you survived the first explosion.

You will know that a nuclear bomb has exploded near you if there is a sudden flash of bright white light, which may or may not cause blindness if you are within 50 miles or so of epicenter . If this vivid white blindness eventually clears up and you do not suddenly feel peace, then you are alive. Other signs of a nuclear explosion include near-instant first to third degree burns if you are within 10 miles or so, and of course, a mushroom cloud looming over the horizon.

Once you understand what’s going on, researcher Michael Dillon of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory invites you to seek refuge immediately to avoid nuclear fallout . In his report to the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences , Dillon recommends hiding in as dense building materials as possible. The thicker the better.

For example, solid brick or concrete structures without windows or leading underground to a basement, basement or basement. Hiding in such a place will only expose you to 1/200 of the radioactive fallout that you will be exposed to outside . Obviously, a real bomb shelter is ideal, but most people are not around it. This FEMA graphic , recently posted by Business Insider , gives you an idea of ​​where to go:

Unfortunately, timber structures, like most smaller houses and one-story buildings, do not protect well from radioactive fallout. Better than nothing? Sort of, but Dillon recommends moving to a better location whenever possible. If you can throw yourself into a tighter defensive cover in about five minutes of exposure, do so. If it takes longer, say up to 15 minutes of exposure , stay in place for at least an hour and then make your move. By then, much of the intense radioactive radiation will have died down, which will slightly reduce your exposure.

While you wait in your dense, thick-walled shelter, the EPA recommends that you stay away from doors or windows, shower, or wipe off exposed parts of your body with a damp cloth and throw away already contaminated clothing . Place contaminated clothing in a plastic bag, close it, and keep away from you and others. Use shampoo and soap when showering, but do not rub or scratch your skin. And do not use hair conditioner, as it will bind radioactive material to your hair. Blow your nose after cleaning, then wipe your eyelids, eyelashes and ears to remove any debris.

Finally, make sure you only drink bottled water and eat food from sealed containers until a rescue team arrives. Listen to the radio while you wait to be aware of where you can get help and get tested for infection .


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