Your Paleo Diet Isn’t Actually Paleo
The concept of the paleo diet in its simplest form – “don’t eat what the caveman couldn’t eat” – as if they had some long-forgotten nutritional knowledge about what is good and what is not. But new research suggests that Paleolithic people ate pretty much everything. If they had the opportunity to throw a bomb into the Doritos bag, they would.
A study by Laura Weirich of the University of Adelaide confirms what you may already be thinking. The Cavemen ate whatever they could find in order to survive, or so their DNA says. Some ate a lot of meat, such as woolly rhinoceros and wild rams. Others had a completely vegetarian diet, chewing on mushrooms, pine nuts, tree bark, and moss. Weirich explains to The Atlantic :
“When people talk about the paleo diet, it’s not paleo, it’s just a non-carbohydrate diet. A true paleo diet is everything in the environment. “
Neanderthals were adaptable and versatile, but they lived in extremely harsh conditions. There was no room for legibility. The Paleo diet recommends avoiding foods such as grains, legumes, potatoes, and dairy products, but a Neanderthal is likely to enjoy them. Their version of the Paleo diet said, “If it’s edible, eat it or die.” Of course, all this does not mean that following such a diet is useless. If you enjoy the paleo diet – or one of its many ramifications – and it helps you achieve your nutritional goals, by all means, do it. Just keep in mind that this is not the way the paleo people actually ate.