Two Simple Tricks for Mental Pain Relief

Some pain requires medical attention and pain relievers, but others are fleeting and more annoying than anything else. Here are two ways to deal with less severe pain using only your mind.

When a feeling of pain first takes hold of you,David Tauben , professor of pain medicine at the University of Washington, says it’s important to understand the difference between danger and damage. The damage can be overcome, but the danger requires immediate medical attention. If you are only dealing with injuries, such as a cut toe, nasty cut, or bruised elbow, take a deep breath and calm down. Once you’re calm, Tauben explains, you can try self-hypnosis:

Think of a nice place where you are safe and go to that place in your imagination. You must train yourself to be in a calm, comfortable place, physically or emotionally, and practice that feeling when things are going well so that when things go wrong you can return to it.

For example, your safe place might be the beach. Think about the smells, the sound of the waves and the feeling of the light sea breeze on your body. The more intelligence you have, the better.

If that doesn’t work, digress. Tauben says that being actively involved in problem solving can help you overcome the pain you feel. Play a game on your phone or immerse yourself in work. While this is difficult, it will help some. Your mind and body shift focus and direct their mental resources to new experiences.

How to get rid of pain | New York Times


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