Three Tips to Avoid Bedbugs Hitchhiking From Your Hotel Room

Bed bugs are tricky little things. They will not only make even a beautiful hotel room their home, but they will also cling to your clothes and climb into your bag to go home with you. These tips will help you avoid such unwanted guests.

This video from YouTube channel Consumer Reports shares some great tips for checking your hotel room for nasty little critters ( most of which we talked about earlier ). But the video also offers some additional tips that you may or may not know about:

  1. Pack large trash bags in your luggage and store your belongings in them during your stay.
  2. When you get home, throw the clothes in the dryer for 30 minutes. The heat will help kill clingy stragglers.
  3. After your trip, store your empty luggage in your garage, basement, or warm attic. This prevents insects from easily penetrating your bedding, furniture and clothing.

If you take the time to do a thorough check and follow this advice, you can get rid of bed bugs.

How to check for bedbugs in a hotel room “wiki useful YouTube


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