Bring Stale Popcorn Back to Life With a Little Time in the Oven

Popcorn is the best snack for watching Netflix, but I tend to overestimate the amount I can eat in one sitting, resulting in at least half a cup of sad, stale leftovers. Throwing fluffy grains makes me feel very sad, but The Kitchn has an elegant solution: you just have to turn on the oven.

According to the link below, all you have to do to breathe fresh, crispy life into popcorn is to spread it out on a baking sheet and place it in a 250-degree oven for a few minutes until it’s warmed up. Pour it into a bowl, add seasoning as needed, and continue to watch the drink regularly. (I look forward to seeing if this works with store-bought cheddar popcorn; my boyfriend has the unforgivable habit of leaving the package wide open, wasting half a bag of cheese goodness.)

Clever Trick to Liven Up Stale Popcorn | Kitchen


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