Plastic Wrap Will Save You Unnecessary Cleaning When Using a Food Processor

Food processors are powerful kitchen appliances that can be used in a wide variety of dishes , but they are also difficult to clean. And lids can be especially annoying with all of their nooks and crannies. This will make cleaning much easier.

To get around the tricky lid issue, Serious Eats’ Sho Sleeps recommends the advice he gleaned from Stella Sparks: Cover the top of the bowl with plastic wrap before putting on the lid. This makes cleaning very easy, and if you need to use a food processor for different foods in the same meal, a quick rinse of the bowl and blade will do. The only thing this tip won’t work for is dough. It is also important that you use a large enough piece of plastic wrap so that it does not sink into the bowl and that you do not pull it so tightly that it might tear.

Plastic Wrap Makes Food Processor Easier to Clean | Serious food


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