Where to Start Looking for Lost Keys

If you’ve lost your keys, you might think it’s best to look in the most obvious open spots before moving on to more cluttered ones. But recent research shows that our peripheral vision is better than we think, and searching carefully can be a waste of time.

A study in the style of hunting scavengers spent Anna Nowakowski from the University of Aberdeen, and published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society Bed and Biological Sciences , has shown that people tend to spend a lot of time searching for items in the “light” areas, even if it is not … does not provide them with any new information. Instead, Novakovska recommends that you start looking for the keys or what you have lost in places where it will be difficult to find them. So don’t check the table, counter, bed, and floor over and over again. Focus on the areas that are most cluttered and scan for areas where your peripheral vision cannot easily pick up the shape of the object. Piles of clothes, dirty drawers and overflowing coffee tables are the best way to pass the time. If we noticed your keys somewhere, you would have found them already.

Human behavior in visual search is far from ideal | Proceedings of the Royal Society of Biological Sciences through Science About Us


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