Make Super-Flavored Freeze-Dried Raspberry Sprinkles at Home

The sprinkles make each dessert a little more fun, but they don’t add a ton of flavor other than sweetness. To sprinkle with a beautiful and tasty dressing, try making it yourself from the tart and delicious freeze-dried raspberries.

These colorful little bites are not only delicious but also quite easy to prepare. Just take half a cup of freeze-dried raspberries and beat them in a food processor until they turn into a fine pink powder. Pass the powder – along with about 1/4 cup of caster sugar – through a sieve to remove the seeds and mix with 1/2 teaspoon of dried egg whites that have been moistened with a tablespoon of warm water. Add some lemon extract and stir until you get a smooth, thick mixture. Pour it into a piping bag and extrude lines, letters, or any other shapes onto the parchment paper lined surface. Let the sprinkles dry overnight and use to garnish muffins, ice cream, or morning yogurt (because the morning is awful and you deserve to start your day with sprinkles).

Homemade sprays add sweetness to Valentine’s Day | Epic


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