Make Your Own Starbucks Sous Vide-Style Egg Snacks at Home

If you love these new Sous Vide egg bites at Starbucks, you’ll be glad to know that you can easily make your own version at home.

These egg bites are popular because they contain a lot of flavor in a tiny snack-like form and Instructables user bryank54 knows exactly how to reproduce that. To make your own, you’ll need eggs, shredded cheese (it uses gruyere), cream cheese, salt, bacon, or whatever else you want in egg flakes, and a few four-ounce canned food cans with two-piece lids … … You will, of course, need a sous vide of some kind. When you have all the ingredients, mix them all and fill the jars. Then watch the jars at 172 degrees Fahrenheit for an hour. You can find more detailed instructions at the link below.

Wannabe Sous-vide Eggs (Starbucks) | Instructables


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