Bake Pasta in the Bundt for the Crispiest, Most Delicious Rims

The best part of baked pasta is all the crunchy corners and chunks of grilled cheese, and cooking it in a breading pan allows for the most enjoyment.

As Justin Chapple shows us in the video above, the breading pan provides a large surface area for your pasta loaf to crisp up while keeping the inner noodles beautiful and tender. To make your own, mix cooked pasta (about a pound) with 4 3/4 cups of cheese – Justin uses a mixture of Fontina, Cheddar, and Parma – 1.5 cups whole milk, three eggs, salt and pepper for flavor. Stir, transfer the noodles to a buttered skillet and bake at 425 ℉ until the cheese is nice and bubbly.

How To Make Bundt Pan Pasta | Mad Genius Tips | Food and wine


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