This Yoga Program Relieves Menstrual Cramps

Everyone experiences their period in different ways, for some it is worse, for others. If you experience cramps before and during your cycle, try this yoga regimen for some relief.

The goal of this practice is to relax and stretch a little to relieve pain or discomfort from the cramps. You can use two or three blankets or pillows to provide extra support if you feel bloated. Here are some of the standard poses.

  • Give yourself space : Instead of straining (like a lotus ), leave more space between the limbs and the body for more comfortable poses.
  • Shoulder loops : Sit cross-legged on a blanket or pillow with your hands on your hips or knees and curl your shoulders in small circles back and forth.
  • Neck Circles : Close your eyes and roll your head and neck back and forth in semicircles.
  • Cat-Cow : Perform several roundsof cat and cow pose to stretch your back. Place a blanket under your knees for extra comfort.
  • PaddedChild Pose : Kneel and stack two or three pillows in front of you with short ends between the knees. Place your body on the pillows and turn your head to the side with your hands on either side of the pillows. Take five deep breaths, turn your head the other way, and take five more breaths.
  • Hip pivot : Kneel down, stretch your arms out in front of you on the mat, and place your buttocks on your heels. Rotate your hips back and forth slowly.

Since this practice is designed to help you relieve stress and relieve cramps, move at your own pace and adjust your postures to make them comfortable for you. Watch the video above for the full 30 minute routine.

Yoga for Cramps and PMS | Yoga with Adrien (YouTube)


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