Turn the Soup Can Lid Into an Emergency Whistle

A survival whistle is essential in any good insect bag, but if you don’t have one or are stuck with no way to tell others where you are, the tin lid will do the trick. This video from Specific Love Creations shows you how to cook it, even if you need to open a can to do so.

Of course, if you’re wandering through the woods, a can of soup might not be very common, but you can find an empty one-sided can somewhere that you can use to do this. If you need to open a full jar, the video shows how easy it is to open a flat surface such as stone or concrete. After you open the lid, fold it in half instead of completely, and be careful as the edges are likely to be sharp.

Punch a hole on both sides with a nail or any other sharp object you find by chance, pry the lid about 30 degrees and of course, watch the side the nail pushed through, as this is the side that should be facing up when you put his mouth. Close your mouth with the already curved lid, snuggle against your lips with both holes so that all the air flows through these holes, and blow. The video above shows you exactly how this is done and how it will sound when you are done, as well as some precautions not to cut yourself with this method.

How to make a survival whistle from a metal can “wiki useful Special love creations


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