Improve Your Sense of Direction by Ditching GPS

Smartphones and GPS devices make getting around easier, but they can also hinder your natural sense of direction if you rely too much on them. If you want to be the main navigator in any area, you need to remove the screens.

Dr. Brendan Kelly , a neurologist at Ohio State University’s Wexner Medical Center, explained to Christopher Mele of the New York Times that GPS devices and smartphones act like mental crutches. Basically, the more you rely on GPS, the less likely you are to actually explore the area and be able to navigate on your own. GPS can get you somewhere faster, but if you didn’t have one, you’re probably completely lost.

Several studies seem to offer similar findings. One study by Toru Ishikawa of the University of Tokyo found that people who used GPS while hiking drew much less accurate maps of the routes they took. Another study by Stefan Münzer of the University of Mannheim suggests that using traditional maps instead of GPS increases the likelihood that you will remember important navigation landmarks.

So, if you want to learn how to navigate better, stop looking at the screen and pay attention to the objects around you , learn how to navigate without GPS, and maybe even consider using an old-fashioned map when you first arrive in a new area. They offer a greater view of where you are going, and finger tracking can help you mentally plan your route. Then, after you get your bearings, return to your GPS to shorten travel times.

To improve your sense of direction, lose technology | The New York Times via Science of Us


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