Hacking Cars Is a Thing, but Are You Really in Danger?

With modern cars becoming more connected, with smarter features, hacking is becoming a real danger. This is rare, but it is already happening. We are not in the world of “shut off the engine” yet, but it is easy to enter a car without a key and steal everything inside without the owner even knowing that the car is unlocked.

Here’s the bad news: getting into your machine is only one problem, and keyless access isn’t the only vulnerability. But the good news is that you are not in danger. But still. Today’s problems are related to theft and break-ins due to vulnerabilities in these smart and connected systems. However, this does not mean that the future is not a cause for concern.

Last year, Wired writer Andy Greenberg played a crash test dummy for a couple of safety researchers who hijacked the Jeep he was driving 10 miles away:

As the two hackers remotely played with the air conditioner, radio, and windshield wipers, I mentally congratulated myself on the courage shown under pressure. That’s when the transmission is turned off.

What can you do to protect yourself (and your car)

Even if you have a trendy, connected, app-enabled vehicle with keyless entry, you are not entirely powerless against such attacks. Self-education is the first step. Mercury Insurance has a guide to help you figure out how vulnerable your make and model of car is , and you can use this information to protect your investment.

Protect your keychain

The most common problem with smart connected cars today is keyless hacking. To prevent theft, experts advise owners of cars with keyless entry to put key fobs in a freezer or microwave (appliances with a steel structure that acts like a Faraday cage), wrap them in aluminum foil, put them in a steel box, or buy an RFID key. keychain protector.

Of the options available, the RFID key fob protector is probably best, which isn’t funny either. Extreme temperatures can damage batteries, and you really don’t want to forget that your key fob is in the microwave when you want to grab a cup of tea at 3 AM. On the market you will find many RIFD packages made for this purpose; this is the same underlying technology that is used to protect your credit card or passport information from identity theft.

Remove your OBD II Dongle.

OBD (short for “Onboard Diagnostics” ) II. Dongles are devices provided by some insurance companies to track your driving habits and, in many cases, offer you safe driving discounts if you are a generally safe driver. They connect to your car through a port on the underside of the steering column (the same port that auto mechanics use to diagnose problems with your car, such as why the engine light comes on) and download that information to your phone (and your ISP). ) via Bluetooth. Having a dongle can save you money, but it also provides an additional hotspot. Turn it off when not in use.

Resist phishing attacks and hone your BS skills

If you can open and start your car with your phone, then other people can do it too. Researchers in Norway recently demonstrated a phishing technique they can use to steal all the information needed to get away in a car using only a cell phone and a fake offer over public Wi-Fi.

Phishing attacks can be very convincing. In this case, the researchers put forward an offer for a free burger at a nearby restaurant in exchange for downloading an app to the victim’s smartphone, and then using the smartphone to access the car.

Other common phishing attacks include emails that appear to come from your bank or credit card company, or offers that prompt you to go to a malicious site. Learn to recognize and avoid attempts to steal your passwords and personal information to protect yourself from fraud .

Contact your congressional representatives

Congress has a Safety and Privacy in Your Vehicle (SPY Car) bill sponsored by Senators Mark (D-MA) and Blumenthal (D-CT) that proposes federal standards requiring manufacturers to protect driver safety and privacy. The bill also requires them to inform owners about how safe their vehicle is compared to the minimum standards it sets. Contact your congressional representatives to let them know you support the law.

Understand your vulnerability and don’t panic

Taking over the functions of your vehicle while driving requires expert skill, and there is no obvious point in doing so. In a report by the US Government Accountability Office (GAO), researchers noted that while real threats are certainly possible, they are largely theoretical. There are no indications or incident reports that lead anyone to believe that vehicles have been attacked, controlled, or stopped by intruders. The real risks are associated with the petty theft we mentioned above and research on risk assessment. The likelihood that your car could break down while you are driving is practically non-existent, at least today.

Experts from the University of California explain that real threats must ultimately have some motive , and what purpose might it serve to disengage the brakes of moving vehicles? Some speculate that terrorist attacks or attacks on high-value specific targets may motivate future “car break-in” attempts, but more mundane and probable dangers are break-ins, theft of information, or the use of stolen GPS data to track movements, or samples of corporate competitors, celebrities or politicians. …

In this context, internet-connected cars are invaluable. Monitors track engine performance and maintenance issues, information that manufacturers use to improve next-generation vehicles and insurance companies use to assess risks. Parents can connect to GPS to track wayward teens , and proximity alerts help prevent accidents. In-car assistance services such as GM OnStar Advisor can find and book a hotel on your route or send assistance if you are involved in an accident. While we could potentially face data theft, the trade-off in benefits is worth the risk.

As cars become sophisticated devices with built-in diagnostics, tools, accessories and environmental data, they become more vulnerable to hacking. Today’s cars and light trucks are equipped with wireless entry points. The risk is minimal right now, but it is definitely real and worth considering when you buy your next car or park your current car.


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