An Empty Box Is the Best Gift You Can Give Your Cat

Before throwing away your empty cardboard box, consider giving it to your feline friend. They will love it.

It’s no secret that cats love boxes. We’ve already mentioned some of the reasons they like them before: they feel comfortable in small spaces because they feel safe, and small spaces help them retain body heat. But as Abigail Tucker , author of The Lion in the Living Room , explains in the Tech Insider video above, boxes also help them stay active. Domestic cats are mostly apex predators that have been confined to small environments and, well, they get bored. The boxes activate their basic hunting instincts from ambush, so they appear and pop out of them, as if jumping from the grass to kill. So if you forgot to bring something to your cat, just grab one of these boxes for her to play with.

Why cats love boxes so much | Youtube


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