Go Ahead and Make Silly Sounds for Your Mechanic
Mechanics have heard literally everything about car problems. Don’t be afraid to make silly sounds to them.
Remember those “we hear you” commercials for AAMCO where people walked up to a mechanic andexplained their car problems with silly noises ? Well, that’s actually not a bad idea. Mechanics from independent auto shops and dealerships told Jake Rossen of Mental Floss that they generally prefer you make a sound rather than try to explain it. Ryan M., a mechanic based in Winnipeg, explains :
“I would rather hear you published than waste time trying to figure out what you mean by ‘buzzing, but it looks like a squishy if that makes sense.’ Make noise, damn it! “
It might feel a little silly, but it can actually make the mechanic’s job a lot easier. According to Bob Weber, a 38-year-old ASE-certified automotive technician, it’s better to try to make a funny sound than to use terms that might lead them in the wrong direction . They know how cars should sound and are familiar with a wide range of car fault sounds. At least, Weber points out, your mechanic will surely enjoy it.
If you don’t want to make noise in front of someone you don’t know, Weber also has a list of terms you can use to explain vehicle problems to technicians . If you are not like a human deck, it is important to know the difference between clang, clang, click, and clang.