Why You Need to Trim the Wicks of the Candles Before Each Burn

Aside from not lighting them near curtains or other potential fire hazards, there are ways to light candles. For example, the wick should be cut off before each burn. That’s why.

On Business Insider, a former Yankee Candle employee shared a few tips on how to burn candles properly, and one of the most helpful tips is to trim the wick from 1/8 to 1/4 inch long. Caroline Praderio explains:

You can use scissors, nail clippers (this is my personal favorite) or a specialized wick trimmer, but no matter what you do, always trim … trimmed wicks will make you look cleaner and brighter

g burn. Uncut wicks are much more likely to take on the strange mushroom shape (see below) that dulls and darkens the flames.

Plus, trimmed wicks keep your candles clean so you can avoid the ugly burnt rings around the jar. To find out more, navigate to the full Praderio publication at the link below.

You Have Lit Candles Wrong All Your Life | Business Insider

Photo by Comfreak .


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