Follow These Rules at Any Ice Rink

If you are unsure of where to go when you step on an ice rink or roller skating rink, this handy guide will help you. Traffic moves in one direction (usually counterclockwise) and the center is for people working on their skills.

You also don’t need to be an expert to get to the center. This is the most suitable place if you are training not only in the old forward skating, but also in any other movement. Jumps can be spins and leaps, but you can just as easily use this space to slow down and practice stopping or pivoting. Since you’re in a quiet location, faster skaters won’t have to dodge you.

Get out of the traffic stream (referred to in this illustration as “sliding lane”), good etiquette means you should not suddenly stop, cross the lane, or roll clockwise if everyone else is going counterclockwise. If you fall, be safe by getting up as soon as possible. This picture is taken from the rink, but I ride both directions and can confirm that these rules apply to rinks as well.

Ice rink safety | White Chocolate Roller Skates


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