Why You Should Plant Flowers Along With Vegetables

If you are trying to grow a vegetable garden, you may not be thinking other than planting a certain variety of desired vegetables, but it can be very helpful to gift your plant to a friend. Flowers and other plant species attract beneficial insects, suppress weeds, and more.

This video from GrowVeg explains why. Hiring more bugs sounds unattractive, but these bugs will become your allies in gardening. For example, plants like lavender and oregano attract ladybugs, and ladybug larvae eat pesky aphids that can damage your other plants. This means flowers that are rich in pollen (something like daisies or single dahlias with one ring of petals) are best suited. What’s more, some plants, such as nasturtium, will ward off aphids from your more valuable varieties. Not much for nasturtium, but good for vegetables.

Both external and olfactory appeal are more than superficial; a dense varietal garden will make it difficult for pests to find a favorite plant to eat. Watch the full video to learn more about why you should plant some friendly plants in your garden.

Companion seedling: why vegetables need friends | GrowVeg


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