Four Tips From Ex-Burglars on How to Protect Your Home and Property

No one knows what scares away burglars more than burglars. Here’s what ex-thieves recommend you do to keep your home safe from burglaries.

Kyle Iboshi, a KGW News reporter in Portland, Oregon , interviewed 86 burglary inmates about how they got inside and what homeowners can do to deter other burglars. It all boiled down to four major deterrents that anyone can do:

  1. Make sure your property is visible in good light, and keep bushes and trees trimmed.
  2. When leaving, always leave the TV or radio on and keep at least one light on. This was one of the most frequently cited constraints in the survey.
  3. If possible, keep another car in the driveway. Nearly every ex-burglar interviewed said that when they saw a car in their driveway, they stayed away.
  4. Get to know your neighbors so they can report any suspicious activity to you.

Other tips include getting a dog – big, not small – placing a security sign (which doesn’t always work) and getting a visible security camera. You can get more helpful tips from the link below.

We asked 86 robbers how they got into their homes | KGW Portland


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