Why Teasing Your Romantic Partner Can Be Good for Your Relationship

Making fun of other people usually does not bring them pleasure. However, friendly teasing between people in romantic relationships can actually be a healthy way to resolve conflict.

As psychology professor Daher Keltner explains, by lightheartedly teasing couples, couples can discuss topics that they would otherwise have kept secret. It’s impossible to be in a relationship without upsetting your partner, but teasing allows you to express frustration in a loving, gentle way, effectively strengthening their bond.

Happy couples often tease when they are in conflict, and they tease in a very silly, lighthearted way, saying, “The fact that you don’t do the dishes worries me, but I still love you. It doesn’t really matter; we can work it out. ” They tease, allowing them to express conflict situations, but in a friendly and friendly manner. This predicted how long they would stay together.

Of course, teasing is not the same as bullying. Making fun of your partner without backing them up with positive affection can seem dastardly. If you don’t already have a teasing relationship, it might be worth talking about how you communicate. This is not required , but it can be helpful. However, if you and your partner are already teasing each other, you may feel comfortable knowing that there is a good reason for it.

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