10 Best DIY Projects That Teach You a Lot About Technology

Do it yourself is not always the easiest way to do something, but it is usually the most informative and educational. This week, let’s take a look at some great tech projects that will help you learn the tools you are likely to use every day, as well as protect your privacy and give you control over your own data in the process.

10. Build Your Own Amazon Echo

It may not be the most economical option, but building your own Amazon Echo using a Raspberry Pi will not only teach you a lot about how the Echo works, but also how the Raspberry Pi works, and how you can unlock even some of its overall potential. …

We’ve already shown you how to do this and even shared Amazon’s official guide on the matter and how to set an awakening word for it . The beauty of this project, however, is that unlike an Echo, which you can buy and just let it run, you use a Pi, which can then be repurposed and reused for whatever you want, in addition to being an Echo. … The entire project is something that you can complete during the day, and you will learn a lot in the process.

9. Add Wi-Fi to your DSLR.

If you have a DSLR or even a mirrorless camera, you probably love using it, but remember to manually transfer photos or videos from your SD card to your computer for processing or sharing. You can get rid of the middlemen by upgrading your DSLR to Wi-Fi. All you need is a suitable SD card and a little setup time .

Even if this model doesn’t suit you, there are many others in the guide that work just as well, and in the process you will learn how to back up your photos and optimize the editing process, while you make sure you never miss a shot. In addition, you can always connect the camera to your smartphone on both iOS and Android .

8. Create your own syncronized cloud storage service.

Dropbox is simple and easy to use, and everyone has an account, but whether you prefer to have complete control over your data at any time, or just want to understand how cloud services like Dropbox work, it’s not hard to run your own Dropbox. clone . If you have web hosting, you can do it there , or you can use your own with a Raspberry Pi and learn about applications that make file sharing possible and the Pi in one fell swoop.

You just need to expand your knowledge of networking and file sharing a bit and try out a couple of applications to help get the job done. You can also use Resilio (formerly BitTorrent Sync) to get the job done , and there are tons of other options. The important thing is that you learn a lot in the process, go about your business, and protect your data.

7. Create your own image hosting.

Services like Google Photos and even Facebook are by far the most popular places to host your images , but like everything else, they take your precious memories out of your true control and throw you into the grip of someone else’s terms of service. privacy policy and coming soon. So consider driving your own! We’ve got tons of great tools to help you with this , including Gallery Project, JAlbum, and more – as long as you still want to be able to publish these photos online whenever you want.

If you prefer to manage their own galleries and maintain their order on their own, you can always automatically synchronized with the app or tool of your choice, and then operate only locally , but on just in case nice to keep the reliable backup. you are losing your own data. Even if this backup is yours, create it yourself and own it yourself.

6. Create your own streaming video recorder.

DVRs are not as necessary here in North America as they might be in other countries, but they are nice to look at and can capture some amazing moments. Best of all, they’re not hard to make on your own and you can learn tons of electronics, mobile recording and more in the process. You can just grab the old smartphone you updated to get the job done.

If you want to put your Raspberry Pi to good use, grab one and give your dash cam live streaming capability . Then, when you’re ready, you can make your setup even more complex using a pair of cameras, GPS capabilities, and even status LEDs. Start small and work your way up.

5. Roll up your own home theater on PC

Building your own home theater PC is one of the toughest technical projects you can tackle. You combine an understanding of software, storage, online and streaming media, downloadable music and movies, and the sources of it all, as well as the basics of building a system that will fit or plug into your living room. TV and serve it all up when you want to sit down and watch TV.

Sure, HTPCs have faded into the background now that tiny cheap set-top boxes are available, but for maximum control – and exploring everything you might want to know about your media collection, home network, and PC hardware, there is nothing. I like to do it myself. We’ve got tons of guides on how to do this, including our recommended (if not outdated) setup , as well as a few tips to help you even after you’ve got everything set up . All of this reminds me that we need to update our own HTPC guidelines, and do it ourselves too.

4. Create your own VPN

We talk a lot about how valuable a good VPN is and how to find a reliable one that really meets all your needs, but sometimes a do-it-yourself option is the best option. In this case, you still need to trust your ISP, but no more than you do now, as you will be running your VPN from home , connecting to it when you are on the go, and keeping your surfing hidden from prying eyes. wherever you go.

If you have an old Mac, this is very easy to do with macOS Server , and if you have a Raspberry Pi, you can also use one of them . You can even combine Pi VPN with Tor for added anonymity and security. If you don’t have either, take an old computer or laptop and try Amahi, it will do the job too .

3. Build a fully functional gaming table or closet.

If you want to learn a lot not only about technology, but also about carpentry and woodworking with your own hands, an arcade cabinet is your best choice. We’ve got a couple of beginner guides on how to make one of your coffee table and a few tips to inspire you , but if you don’t want yours in the center of your living room, this IKEA tip will get you beautiful on the side. your office or playroom. and it’s even for two players .

As always, if that’s not your style, you can always turn an old computer into your own personal arcade game , even if you don’t put it in your own closet or something. As always, if you have a Raspberry Pi, it is perfect for this . Just make sure you pick the right software for your needs and you will have fun creating it and then more fun playing it.

2. Host your own RSS feed reader

Feedly is great, don’t get us wrong , but many of us still mourn the death of the simple, elegant and functional Google Reader. For such people, anywhere not escape: you just have to do it yourself to get the desired control .

Of course, we’ve shown you how to create your own feed using Tiny Tiny RSS, and it even has a mobile app for you to read on the go. But it is not alone, and you will learn a lot about how the Internet works and you will be on top of your favorite blogs (like this one!) If you try.

1. Create your own computer

There is nothing better than building your own computer to teach you not only how computers work, but also how to fix problems with your own computer and be self-sufficient if you have problems.

You will learn all about the internals of your PC by creating your own setup, and if you are a gamer, video producer, YouTube or audio enthusiast, you can customize your PC to suit your needs. This is much better than buying off the shelf and, depending on your needs, may even be more cost effective. Stick to our PC building guides (we’re updating them right now ) and keep these beginner’s tips in mind to get the most out of the experience.


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