How to Prevent Windows 10 From Syncing Themes Between Computers

If you use a Microsoft account to sign in and sync multiple devices, you may notice that Windows tends to keep the same theme for all of them. If you’d rather keep your laptop looking different than your desktop, here’s how to fix it.

Windows 10 theme settings are ridiculously different. If you’re viewing Theme Settings in Control Panel, you can deselect the Synchronized Theme option, but that doesn’t actually turn off theme synchronization. It just creates a new synced theme that will take over your other devices. Instead, if you want to use a different theme for each device, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Settings app.
  2. Click Accounts.
  3. On the left sidebar, click Sync Settings.
  4. In the “Personal sync settings” section, turn off the theme.

After that, when you change the color of the wallpaper or window on one machine, it will not affect the others in any way. Plus, you might not use a Microsoft account to sign in to your device, but you might end up losing other useful sync features as well.

How to turn off theme syncing when you sign in to another computer with the same Microsoft account in Windows 10 | Windows Planet


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