If You’re Struggling With a Work Ethic, Start Building It Around Your Passion.

A good work ethic means more than just showing up and putting in the least amount of effort. If you find it difficult to form the mindset of a dedicated employee, start by building the work around your passion.

As business site Entrepreneur notes, most people have no difficulty in working hard on what they are passionate about. It would be contradictory. When you do what you love, you will come every day wanting to do it to the best of your ability. This is a great way to start practicing good work ethics, even if your job is not really related to what you are passionate about:

You can still do your job with passion. It’s just a different passion. It is a passion for excellence. Perfection is a desire that you see among many blue collars in the modern world. I know many plumbers, landscape designers and construction workers who are more passionate and hardworking than even multimillionaire entrepreneurs.

When you come to work every day wanting to put in the effort to do your job well, you are in a better position to negotiate a promotion , get a promotion, or simply improve your skills. Sometimes it’s hard to justify the extra effort in a job you hate right now, but your passion and work ethic permeates areas of your life that you really care about.

Passion Reveals Your Hustler’s Work Ethic | Businessman


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