Connect the to-Do App to Your Email to Create Tasks Right From Your Inbox

When you receive emails requiring action, you should make sure to add them to your to-do list as soon as possible, and the best way to do this is to link this list to your email. This way, you can add to your to-do list without leaving your inbox.

The hint comes via PCMag. Most of the apps we’ve discussed include this as a feature, so this tip can be as simple as making sure it is enabled. For example, with Todoist, you download a plugin and then it is put into your Gmail account. uses an extension to do the same.

If you are using your phone as a to-do list, you can use IFTTT . This IFTTT recipe creates an iPhone reminder every time you mark an email with “To-Do” and you can also change it to work with Android. This recipe works with Todoist to do the same. If you’re using your calendar as a to-do list, you can customize a recipe for creating a calendar event.

Whichever method you choose, connecting your email to your to-do list can save you time and make sure all of your tasks get done. To find out more, go to the full version of the post.

5 Ways To Improve Your Email | PCMag


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