CHIP Gets PICO-8 Game Design Software for Free and Presents a $ 29 Game Creation Console Kit.

We’re a fan of the CHIP computer , which fits pretty much on a $ 9 Linux board. They announced today that the modest $ 15 PICO-8 game development software will be included for free for all CHIP users. They also unveiled a $ 29 console kit perfect for aspiring game designers.

PICO-8 is game design software that uses a small number of sprites and a basic set of sound effects and code, making it relatively easy for anyone to learn game design . It’s low resolution and not very complex, making it an ideal learning environment for anyone interested in making games. It’s also all open source, so you can edit games or create your own and then easily share them with other PICO-8 users (if you’re curious about how they work, you can play any game in your browser here ). The PICO-8 was already included in the PocketC.HIP but is now included in the standard $ 9 CHIP.

Also intriguing is the introduction of the new Console Kit . This includes CHIP, HDMI DIP, power adapter, and game controller. It’s a nice little package, and while the retro game emulation isn’t quite as easy to set up as it is on the Raspberry Pi , this forum post will walk you through the process if you’re interested.

If you’re only interested in PICO-8, the Story Bundle has a fantastic collection of game design books, which also includes a full download of PICO-8 for Windows, Mac, or Linux for $ 15.

PIKO-8! Now free for all chips | Next Thing Co.


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