Two Things You Can Do to Avoid Knee Pain While Running

If your knees hurt every time you go for a run, something is wrong. Fortunately, there are several important things you can do to prevent future pain.

In this video from YouTube’s Tech Insider , running coach and former Olympian John Henwood explains what commonly causes knee pain in runners and how to avoid it. It all comes down to how your knee moves. Much of the pain is caused by a tight iliotibial band (ITB) and weak stabilizing muscles on the inner thighs that prevent the knee from sitting properly.

To avoid pain, you need to strengthen the knee-stabilizing muscles for a while on the StairMaster or elliptical trainer. Henwood also recommends swimming as it helps to strengthen the core muscles. And be sure to stretch out before you run. Relax your hips , piriformis , glutes, and hamstrings. Sitting well and stretching will keep the knee in place and move correctly.

If you’re training for a competition, Henwood recommends running three to four days a week, cross training and strength training two to three days a week, and be sure to take at least one day off. If these exercises do not help your knee pain, stop running until you see your doctor.

How Runners Can Avoid Knee Pain | Youtube


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