How Empathy Helps You Relate to Bad People

Empathy is a reliable strategy when it comes to toxic people , but it is not always easy to dig them up when faced with one of them. Here’s how you can empathize with them even if they don’t know it, and why, more importantly, it helps you even worry.

The School of Life video above explains that the key to empathizing with another person is realizing that he is actually the one suffering from pain – which sounds like a school excuse for bad behavior, but comes from a very real situation:

“The only reason they hurt us is because somewhere deep down they hurt themselves. They were insidious, demeaning, and dirty because they were unhealthy. No matter how confident they may seem on the outside, no matter how courageous and strong they may seem, their actions are all the necessary proof that, in truth, they cannot be in a good place. “

Empathy for the person transforms you from their victim to a watcher of their pain. Even if you never refute their meanness, knowing that they are suffering and trying to make you suffer as a result reminds you that on the contrary, you are actually a stronger side. The fact that you will never do this or sink to their bottom is a reminder that you are the strongest here, and your opponent comes out of fear and personal pain. This power switch makes them much easier to operate.

Why are people so nasty | School of Life (YouTube)


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