Deep Cleaning of the Coffee Maker With Automatic Drip Remover in Three Easy Steps

If you want to brew the very best coffee with an auto-hopper, you need to deep clean it at least once a month. Here’s how to do it with some household items.

In this video from Consumer Reports YouTube, Dan Diclerico shows you how to get the job done with a little white vinegar and baking soda:

  1. Mix equal parts vinegar and water, then brew. Once it’s finished, brew it again with clean water to rinse out any remaining vinegar solution.
  2. Remove deep stains from the coffee pot with a soft sponge and a little baking soda. If stains persist, mix two cups of baking soda and four cups of water in a coffee pot and let sit overnight.
  3. Wash your reusable filter (if you have one), infuser basket and coffee pot in warm soapy water after each use.

If you do this regularly, the coffee machine will work fine and the coffee will taste great.

Clean Your Coffee Maker In 3 Easy Steps | Youtube


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