Why Lemons Are so Good for Harvesting

Lemons can be used for all kinds of cleaning, from removing rust stains to enhancing the look and smell of your microwave or sink . But why are they so versatile? You may have foreseen this, but it’s the acid content that makes them such powerful cleaning agents.

All the citric acid in lemon juice quickly removes dirt and grime. It tackles and breaks down a variety of stains and deposits (including rust and limescale), making them easy to remove or clean. This natural acidity also acts as an antibacterial agent, which reduces odors, mildew and mildew and keeps things clean for longer. Finally, even lemon peel is full of aromatic oil that helps to hide bad odors. All in all, this is the perfect natural cleaner, but you probably already knew that.

What Makes Lemons Such Good Cleaning Products? | Kitchen


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