How to Enable the Debug Menu in Multiple Apple Mac Apps

Debug menus are little little secrets that often hide useful advanced settings. Apple has hidden these menus in their default software for a while, and it’s often easy to unlock them using a terminal command.

To enable these debug menus, simply open Terminal (Applications> Utilities), type one of the commands listed below, then press Enter. Not every Apple app has them, but we’ve tested every one of them, and they all work on macOS Sierra. If you have an application open, you need to close it and reopen it before you see the new menu.


Adds the ability to manually update the list (and other options that you probably never need).

 by default write RemindersDebugMenu -boolean true

Mac App Store

Adds options for deleting cookies, resetting an app, hiding pre-release software, and more.

 by default write ShowDebugMenu -bool true


Adds tons of options including stress testing, logging and more.

 by default they write IncludeInternalDebugMenu 1


Adds tons of fancy print options, access to Time Machine backups if you need an older version of a contact, and more.

 by default write ABShowDebugMenu -bool true

The calendar

Allows you to change the number of weeks and months in certain views, clear the cache, etc.

 by default we write ABShowDebugMenu -bool true

Most of us never really need these dedicated debug menus, but it’s always nice to know that they are, and sometimes they come in very handy.


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