Why We Blush and Why We Can’t Control It When We Do It

Charles Darwin once said that redness is the most peculiar and most human of all expressions. While this is definitely a common reaction to embarrassment, anger, or maybe too many drinks, this video explains what’s going on in our bodies and how redness can actually be cute.

When your face turns red, you are actually experiencing a familiar fight-or-flight response from your body, which involves raising your heart rate and dilating your blood vessels to improve blood flow. Your cheeks are especially susceptible to these changes and presumably blush because of them. Another plausible explanation for why we blush is that it feels like a non-verbal physical apology for doing something socially unacceptable, such as farting very loudly in public. This social signal of regret or remorse makes you more attractive and likable, so don’t be embarrassed when you blush.

Why are we blushing? | As soon as possible


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