Do Complex Tasks More Efficiently With the Two-Minute Rule

We all put off difficult projects or tasks that we don’t want to complete. Don’t wait until later, give yourself two minutes to come up with a plan of action.

This is a variation on the “just getting started” idea , where jumping to a task is the best way to avoid procrastination, but adds a two-minute buffer so you can think things over. The next time you have a difficult task, give yourself two minutes to think about your action plan, and then you can get down to business right away. The two-minute time limit ensures that you don’t unconsciously put things off until later , spending hours “researching” a project without actually starting any work. … By focusing on the next steps, rather than disappointment or self-pity, you get things done faster and more efficiently.

Former Marine Uses The Two Minutes Rule To Help Clients With Mental Resilience Manage Stress At Work | Business Insider


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