The Best Way to Distract Yourself From Uncomfortable Conversations at Work

There are certain topics that are uncomfortable to discuss with colleagues, such as politics or personal values, but that doesn’t stop people from raising them. Here’s the phrase you should use to easily redirect the conversation back to your work chat.

Are you trying to avoid a specific topic, or do you just need a chatty colleague to answer your work question by saying, “ This is an important conversation, but can we talk about it after X? »Returns focus to work while acknowledging what your colleague has been saying.

Of course, you can customize this phrase to suit the situation or your personality, for example by making a statement out of it rather than a question, or by replacing “important conversation” with “interesting idea.” Soften the redirection by adding the ability for them to re-contact you on the topic, provided you’re okay talking about it. However you tweak it, the point is that you let your coworker feel like they are being heard and you don’t have to go too deep into an awkward discussion.

3 Polite Phrases to End Uncomfortable Conversations at Work | Muse


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