Download Ramit Sethi’s Free E-Guide to Raising Pay

Asking for a pay raise is difficult for most people, and while we give a lot of advice , it is still difficult to do . Ramit Sethi of I Will Teach You Be Reach has put together a free guide to prepare you for the big request and your pay rise.

Like his book, Sethi’s guide talks the basics right. But this is what most of us struggle with, so this is valuable advice. It consists of three main stages:

  • How to get what you deserve (a comparative study of how much you should earn and how much your skills are worth).
  • Psychological triggers to multiply your chances (eliminating the mental failures we all face when we have to ask for money or negotiate).
  • Watching wage negotiations in action (learn good negotiating tactics by watching them progress).

You can view the complete guide online or download it as a free e-book after subscribing to the Sethi newsletter. And before you get started, you should also read these four common mistakes in negotiations .

The Complete Guide to Raising and Raising Salaries | I will teach you to be rich


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