Set up Sodastream to Use Cheaper CO2 Containers and Stop Buying Proprietary Canisters

Having SodaStream is great, especially if you’re a seltzer water lover (which I do). However, knowing that cheaper CO2 is widely available, these proprietary tanks and refills should not be abandoned. Luckily, it’s not hard to hack SodaStream and save tons of money.

This is how it works:

  1. Firstly, you need cylinder of CO2, such as the paintball tank to 24 ounces (22 US dollars), or even the massive cylinder of 10 pounds (US $ 75), you will be using your SodaStream in the future. Both are larger (and more expensive) than the tanks that come with your SodaStream, but the advantage is that they last much longer between charges.
  2. Second, you will need a remote line to connect the actual SodaStream to the reservoir , since obviously none of these will go into the block itself. (The website we link to, SodaStream Hack, recommends this for $ 30. )
  3. Finally, you need an adapter so you can connect the hose to the SodaStream itself. They are quite widely available, like this one for $ 14 or this one for $ 14 .

So our total investment is around $ 66-119, but here’s the interesting thing: once charged, it will last longer than your traditional SodaStream canisters, and over time you will get your money back in the form of travel savings. buy smaller, proprietary ones.

This setting is not uncommon. Many SodaStream owners have converted their models to use standard CO2 cylinders and tubing, which they can easily – and affordably – refuel whenever they want for a fraction of the price of proprietary. For example, SodaStream refills usually cost around $ 20-30, and fresh, filled tanks are more, while you’re looking for $ 20 to fill even a 10-pound tank and it lasts three or four times longer than the model. Sodastream.

SodaStream Hack | Weebly


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