Roasted Ginger Makes It Taste More Than Ever

I love ginger and use it in every possible dish, sweet and savory. I thought I knew all the ginger tricks – I even make ginger for sushi – but one remedy was missing in my life: fried ginger.

In fact, I am terribly embarrassed that I myself did not think about it. Roasting makes everything better, and the ginger pairs very well with toasted, caramelized and toasted flavors, so roasting the ginger should have been an easy task. It is also for easy to do. Simply place a piece of unpeeled ginger in the oven, turn on the frypot, and leave for 45 minutes (return once somewhere in the middle to flip). As soon as it is browned, small burn spots appear on the skin, take it out, let it cool slightly and wipe everything together, the skin and everything else.

If you’re wondering what this rich-tasting pasta is good for, the answer is “damn it.” Brush fried chicken with it, mix in butter , bake into cookies, shake into a smoothie, or mix with salad dressing . The possibilities are huge and exciting.

Roasted ginger is a hit we’ve never seen | Bon appetit


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