Improve Your Rice by Placing a Whole Tomato in a Rice Cooker

Not only can rice cookers cook rice , but they cook rice really well. To amplify the flavor and prepare a super tasty and very light meal using only the rice cooker, you just need to take a tomato.

The video above talks about a very simple process, but it’s really just a question: pour a whole tomato on top of the rice (with as much water as the rice cooker manufacturer recommends), as well as some oil and some salt and pepper. … Cook the rice as usual, and when it’s done, stir, stir, stir to get all the juicy, umami-rich tomato qualities distributed throughout. You can then eat it separately, serve as a side dish, mix with some protein and vegetables, or sprinkle with an egg. (You should probably place an egg on top.)

Whole Tomatoes in a Rice Cooker = Simple Yummy Rice Dish | Strictly dumplings


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