The Correct Way to Finish the Surface of Wooden Furniture

One of the attractive things about wood furniture is that it already has a pleasing color and texture. You might not want to hide it under a layer of paint, but a good spot can really bring out the natural texture. Here’s how to do it right.

In this video from This Old House , wood finishing expert Bruce Johnson demonstrates how to craft a wood table and prime it for the perfect finish. The first thing you need to do is lightly sand the wood along the grain; Johnson recommends starting with a grit of 120 or so. (He also prefers to sand by hand, as belt sanders can be too aggressive.)

To avoid stains, he applies an oil-based wood conditioner that prevents unwanted stains from accumulating. After your wood has been treated with conditioner, you don’t need to be particularly careful when applying the stain itself, and you can use a brush, rag, or something else. According to Johnson, the most important thing is to erase it. You need to wipe off any excess stain that the wood hasn’t absorbed.

Finally, he lets it dry for about eight hours before applying the polyurethane varnish (stir, but don’t shake!). In this case, if you want to use a decent brush and not a cheap sponge so that air bubbles are avoided. It’s important to remember that if you started with an oil-based conditioner, then finish off with an oil-based varnish. (If starting with a water base, stick to a water base.) Johnson finishes by lightly sanding after the table is dry and applying another coat to give the surface elasticity. Watch the video for a full explanation.

How To Finish A Wooden Table | Youtube


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