Create Your Own Retro IOS Games With LowRes Coder

iOS: LowRes Coder is a fun app that lets you create low-res pixel games reminiscent of your favorite arcade games of the past. It uses the classic BASIC programming language to bring your games to life.

You will need to know the basics of BASIC to actually do anything, but it is one of the earliest and easiest programming languages ​​to learn. What’s more, LowRes Coder includes some pretty extensive explanations of where to start. You can inject your code directly into the application (although it might be easier for you to write the code elsewhere and then paste it into the application), and then it will essentially work like a BASIC emulator.

But one of the best features of LowRes Coder is its community. It comes with a lot of pre-installed games and examples, but you can also use all the games people have already created and shared. In fact, I was reminded of how, in high school, we used our graphing calculators for games rather than calculations β€” trading games and demonstrating all the new programs we ran on our TI calculators. LowRes Coder has the same sense of discovery, even if BASIC is a programming language that is fifty years old.

The app is free, but the size of the programs you create is limited. The unlimited version costs $ 4.99.

LowRes Coder | ITunes App Store


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