Amazon Prime Reading Offers a Rotating Selection of Over a Thousand Books

Amazon Prime has more hidden benefits than you can remember , and now it has a new one. Prime subscribers now have access to a constantly updated selection of books that you can read for free.

Prime Reading provides you with a fairly large selection of books that you can read every month. While you’re not going to get access to all the top sellers, there are a few gems out there. Currently, you can read Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone and The Hobbit , as well as The Man in the High Castle , which was the basis for one of the leading original Amazon series.

This service pairs quite well with the Kindle Owner’s Lending Library , which allows you to select one book per month to read for free from a lot more e-books. All of these Prime services use the Kindle app on Android or iOS , as well as any Kindle e-book.

Prime Reading | Amazon via CNET


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