Easy to Chop Hard Winter Squash After a Quick Boil

If you find it difficult to cut open the tough rind of this winter squash, try dipping it quickly in boiling water first.

The skins of various winter gourds are very tough. So much so that sometimes throwing them to the ground is the most effective way to open them. However, if you don’t feel like crushing pumpkins, YouTube’s Down to Earth Organic & Natural recommends softening the skins instead. Take a large pot of stock, fill it about a third full with water and bring the water to a low boil. Once it starts bubbling a little, turn off the heat and carefully dip the pumpkin into the saucepan. Let it sit for two to three minutes, then turn it over in the saucepan to soak for a few more minutes. Then just take it out of the pan, dry it so it isn’t slippery and you can start cutting.

How to cut zucchini in winter “wiki useful YouTube


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