ForkIt Turns Healthy Home Cooking Into Video Game Quests

iOS: When people ask me how they can start eating healthy, I usually recommend that they cook at least one or two homemade meals a week. If they are not used to cooking, even that requires a lot. ForkIt makes it more fun (and less intimidating) with some gamification elements.

ForkIt’s interface is pretty, nice and easy to use. You can find all sorts of familiar and exotic recipes in the rather extensive recipe database. It’s designed for chefs of all skill levels, from something as simple as avocado toast to more complex coconut curry with rice noodles. For each recipe, you will receive easy step-by-step instructions with GIF images. You can then share your culinary creation with others and get motivated to learn new recipes.

The free app ensures you don’t stay in your comfort zone by offering you video game-style quests and allowing you to experiment with new ingredients. The ability to set weekly goals, including getting healthier, losing weight, or improving your cooking skills, is a great addition too. Now you can watch your progress bar as you put on your chef’s hat and toast a wild storm in the kitchen.

ForkIt – Cooking Challenge (Free) | ITunes store


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