RideGuru Compares the Cost of Each Ride Sharing Option

You just need to open your custom Uber or Lyft app, get an estimate of the fare, and then compare your prices. However, RideGuru compares everything in one place and even breaks down the cost to tell you how much the driver is earning from your ride.

The tool isn’t just limited to Uber or Lyft. It also shows you other travel options in your area, such as curb , flywheel, or even a regular taxi. It also compares all the different ride options you have with each individual service like UberX, UberXL, etc.

Even better, though, the tool breaks down the cost of each trip by showing how much you’re paying in fees. It also tells you how much your driver will earn for your trip.

According to the Washington Post, RideGuru uses a proprietary algorithm to estimate prices, so its accuracy is not guaranteed. Founder Ippei Takahashi said in a post that the formula includes “many factors and variables such as distance, duration, traffic patterns, city density, potential speed, historical rates.”

Using the tool is very simple: just enter your starting point and destination and your parameters will be filled in. To try it for yourself, follow the link below.

RideGuru via The Washington Post


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