Making a Good First Impression Is About Engaging, Not Making an Impression.

First impressions are important because they are difficult to undo and the bad will stay with you for a long time. But a good first impression isn’t about making an impression. It’s all about chatting with someone and making a connection.

Dory Clarke, author of Reinventing You: Define Your Brand, Imagine Your Future , believes that interacting with someone is more important than trying to prove yourself. Rebecca Knight of the Harvard Business Review summarizes:

“The most common mistake people make when trying to make a good impression is thinking they should impress another person with their vast knowledge,” Clarke says. But the point is, your goal is not to surprise and dazzle, but to create a memorable and engaging conversation. So try to attract the other person. And listen to what they have to say. “The better you make the other person feel, the more likely they will be to make a positive impression of you,” says Clarke.

Ask them thoughtful open-ended questions, find out what they are passionate about, and find what you have in common. It is more convenient for people to communicate with those with whom they communicate, and not with those who boast of their knowledge and abilities.

How to Make a Great First Impression | Harvard Business Review


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