Is Simple, Minimalistic and Streams Music for Work

Music for productivity comes in many forms, but if you are the type of person who loves non-voice electronics in the background while you are doing something, will help you. Best of all, it’s a simple, minimal interface with few controls and no playlists or other tools to distract you.

I have been using this service for a while and it is perfect for what it is designed to do: give you something to listen to while you do some work.

When I say the interface is minimal, I mean it – there is a large play / pause button, a forward button and a back button, and that’s it. You don’t even see the title of the track being played, and there is no playlist where you can browse through the available songs and skip them. Hit the play button, switch tabs and get back to work.

The service is simple and free and specially designed for minimal use. Adding a set of tools to help you manage your music or organize songs will distract you (and honestly, you probably already have a service that does it better). Click on the link below to try it out. I’m a fan of deep house and trance, so I liked the built-in playlist. However, if you are not a fan of electronic music, unfortunately, you will not find anything that you might like.


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