Perfect Shower Beer – Crispy and Citrusy

Enjoying a cold beer in a hot shower is one of the most wonderful benefits of being an adult. What kind of beer you sip behind the plastic curtain is a matter of personal preference, but Ethan Fixell of Food & Wine has done some (very difficult) research to find the perfect foam to drink while you churn.

The brave Cicero ate pilsners, lagers, and wild yeast beer. None of them performed particularly badly – Fixell’s only criticism of The Alchemist’s Heady Topper was that it was “too elegant for a shower,” but Deschutes’ Hop Slice beat the competition with a top score of 5/5 Loofas. … What made him so perfect? According to Fixell:

The crispy, citrusy, slightly flowery beer has the right aroma to keep you interested without distracting you from your true purpose.

If Descutes isn’t available in your area, don’t despair. Just look for a session IPA with citrus floral notes. Or just grab a jar of something cold; there is really no wrong way to drain the beer.

Finding the Best Beer for Your Shower | Food and wine


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