If You Want a Promotion, Set the Standard for Your Job.

Meeting expectations is a great way to satisfy your bosses and colleagues. However, if you want to prove that you are valuable enough to move up, don’t just exceed expectations. Set a standard for how your work should be done.

As the business site Entrepreneur explains, setting a standard for work goes beyond just doing more than is necessary (which can lead to more work ). Setting a standard means determining how well the work is done on your own, not waiting for someone else to do it for you. If you only need 80% accuracy, but you consistently reach 90%, you have set a new standard for how your work should be done:

Do your job. Work hard and let your success speak for you. Every boss wants to see someone who will work hard, fulfill their quotas without complaints and work to the best of their ability. When you work hard, you get noticed. There is no easy way to get promoted. Your hard work, dedication, good attitude, and the total energy needed to get the job done, ready to chase and close deals, is what helps you move to the next level.

Of course, it also helps your bosses know that you are interested in promoting and getting work done at higher levels in the chain. If you want to get promoted, your bosses will expect you to do the job you’ve already been given. If the best you can do is the minimum, your bosses may not want to trust you anymore.

7 Ways To Be Informed When It’s Time To Choose Your Promotions | Businessman


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